Work in Progress here - Please feel free to submit any question. I will reply and possibly update this area.
Can I get a copy of the 3d model?
Can I fly through the plan on my own?
After the plans are complete and upon request I can upload a basic copy of the model to Chief Architect's hosting site and then share it with you.
Using their free mobile app and your phone or tablet you can walk/fly through the model anytime you want.
How much will the house cost to build?
What is the cost per square foot to build?
Can I afford to build it?
The best way to estimate the construction cost is to look at a similar home in the same area you wish to build.
A current sale of a similar home should reflect many of the hidden costs that vary between sites. Suppliers, materials, subcontractors or even municipalities make building in one place more or less expensive than another. Use the current sale price to get a cost per square foot for you own home. Remember things like a pool, covered porches, garages, unfinished basements and retaining walls are expensive and may throw off a comparison. Ensure the house you are getting numbers from has roughly the same features as what you want to build.
A builder or real estate agent can pull current pricing for you.